Who are we?
GoMonadnock is a local media company committed to bringing what’s current—local commentary, happenings, humor, and connection—to the dwellers and visitors of the greater Monadnock Region. Our Voices section includes opinion, advice, and commentary from local leaders throughout the region, and provides an outlet for all members of the greater community to have their voice be heard. Our weekly podcast, GoMo Tonight, provides a consistent dose of humor, local news, and a general what’s-happening for any given week in the region. Our AgEx (short for Agricultural Exchange) provides what’s currently available and at what prices at farms throughout the region so YOU don’t have to merely wonder and therefore never actually visit the farms that you routinely drive by. Our Reviews section is a platform for any member of the community to leave a thoughtful review of anything from a meal at a local restaurant to a film that was released sixty years ago. Finally, our twice-weekly emails include everything from what we’re currently publishing and doing at our sister company, Monadnock Underground, to what events you can check out this week/weekend, to what’s playing at all the local theaters. This is the only place that you can consistently and predictably determine where in the world the hardest working and best looking musician in New Hampshire, Charlie Chronopolous, is going to be playing.
If you’re interested in joining our community, don’t be bashful. Sign up for our twice-weekly emails below, explore the rest of the site, and please make YOUR contribution to whichever of these streams you feel most called.