Dreamscapes: It's Hard Out Here for a Wolf (Part One)

My family and I are staying overnight in a man’s house. I have inklings of feelings for this man, but I find out he has a girlfriend, and I decide to give it up. We’re all sleeping in various places on the floor, and I wake up early to peruse his collection of books. One catches my eye, and I quietly slip it into my backpack.

Later that day, we’re all on a high ledge by the ocean, and we’re splashing in the water, but I realize that the man is pushing my family members into the water and trying to drown them. I bolt over to him and we begin to fight, and then he viciously bites me on my hand. The pain is torturous, and I can tell that this is more than just a simple human bite.

Suddenly a vehicle that is part train and part semi-truck pulls up and two men are in it, and I yell to them “This man has bitten me, we must call the police and I need to go to the hospital!” But they laugh at me and tell me no. By now, all that is left of the man’s body is his jaw, still clamped to my hand. The pain is agonizing.

Suddenly my vision is filled with a six panel stick figure comic, and it plays out with narration, with a child’s voice that says, “Once a man bit me, and then I fell asleep for a thousand years, and when I woke up, I was a werewolf.”

When the vision recedes, I am a wolf, walking through a desolate landscape. There are giant post-apocalyptic structures that tower above me. A cruise ship of high schoolers sails by. I am part of a wolf pack. We are werewolves, but we can change back and forth between human and wolf form at will. I sometimes choose my human form so I don’t get shot by other humans. Our wolf forms look just like regular wolves. I howl to the other wolves in my pack, and they howl back. They know it is my howl. They know I am one of them.

Somehow, I end up back in my childhood home, in my human form. My mother tells me I need to lose weight. There is an extra bathroom in the house right next to the original bathroom. I am pretending to be sleeping, but really, I am packing a bag with food and getting ready to leave. I put some nice cheese in the bag. I jump out the window.

I have to get back to the desert. The desert is where my pack lives — it’s where I’m from. Getting back there is the only thing that is on my mind. I am traveling all the way from Washington state to Nevada, walking the whole time. Sometimes I am in wolf form, and sometimes I am a human. I am walking through damp forests and I just wish it were dry, but I am just walking forever and ever. I am living off the snacks in my backpack and also catching random wildlife, like rabbits and squirrels.

I am in my wolf form, walking on a path in a rural town. I pass a shed and some fields when suddenly I hear a gunshot and see a flash of light. I instantly turn into a human. A middle-aged couple rushes up to me. The man is carrying a shotgun. They ask, “Did you see that wolf???” and I respond, “What? No! I’ve been walking along this path and I haven’t seen any wolves or anything, it’s just me.” They are perturbed but they invite me into their home, and at first, I’m thinking that I can maybe sleep there, but I realize their little dog is scared of me, and I know it’s because he knows I’m actually a wolf.

The woman is looking up bed and breakfasts online for me. I whisper to the dog, “Jay says hi”, and suddenly a little boy materializes in front of me, and the couple have a grandson. The dog suddenly develops stripes and gets furrier, and the man is very confused and asks the woman “What happened to the dog??” and she says she doesn’t know, and the man begins to pace back and forth. He is very very troubled by this. I start thinking that I really need to get out of there. Suddenly another little dog appears who isn’t afraid of me, and the woman offers her some coffee. I use some psychic powers to convince the dog to drink the coffee. Then I leave.


Hunting Down Old Man Winter


Dispatches from the Underground #1