Game of Thrones Recap: Reckonings Upon Reckonings

Monadnock Underground Staff and Friends React to Season 8, Episode 2 LIVE

Alternate title: It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel like working out longstanding conflicts

Note that obviously there are spoilers ahead if you can figure out what we are talking about.

Chris: This new opening is wild

Kellie: Okay I’m coming, what have I missed?

Matt: Tyrion got eaten by dragon.

Jk just opening credits.

John: Jamie gonna bend the knee?

Chris: I don’t like Daenerys anymore.

Did I ever?

Chris: Oooh, Bran BUSTIN IT OUT!

“The things we do for love.”

Kellie: Cool, I like this unicorn part.

John: His one liner game is top notch.

Chris: Ooh POWER PLAY from Sansa, I love it.

John: Jon is exasperated at this point hahahaha

“Don’t ask me, I don’t care.”

Chris: hahaha he’s got burnout.

John: Brienne stuck her neck out, as expected.

Chris: Sansa is running the show.

Yeah that’s been building a long time.

Kellie: Sansa will crush them all.

Chris: Tyrion is just a shell of his former self.

John: Sansa is early front runner for season MVP.

Chris: Gendry’s like just back at his day job, nbd.

John: The food’s better.

No more bowls of brown.

Gendry is smitten with Arya the sociopathic killer

Chris: She is so frightening.

Gendry does kinda need someone to tell him what to do.

“Sorry I crippled you bro.”

Matt: Arya is no joke.

Scares the F outta me.

John: Bran’s just like “it’s cool I got these Powers now so thx nbd.”

Kellie: But why is Bran always so unlikeable

Matt: Dated girl like her in HS once had to transfer.

Chris: Bran is just too inhuman to really like.

Matt: Agree. Can’t relate.

Chris: I’m still not over how mean he was to Meera.

John: Poor Meera. She deserved better.

Jesse: Peter Dinklage has a good attitude about the whole thing.

Chris: There’s like a lot of interpersonal reckonings happening back to back to back.

Zoë: I don’t really see Tyrion lasting much longer. I feel like he’s getting a death edit.

Chris: I mean someone big has to die really soon. I can see that.

I mean it’s either a death edit or some kind of longer redemption edit (hashtag easter).

Speaking of redemption…

Zoë: Do you think Tyrion gets another redemption edit?

Chris: No, not really hahaha

John: Oprah pops in: “ You get a redemption edit, you get a redemption edit. EVERYONE GETS A REDEMPTION EDIT!”

Zoë: Hahahah yes, Jamie, Ser Jorah… maybe Tyrion DOES get another one.

Chris: In the game of redemption, you are redeemed or you die (or you win because you didn’t care about being redeemed).

Kellie: Ohhh intrigue.

Jesse: I do think I need a chart to keep all this straight.

Chris: Did you see my awesome white board diagram the other day?

Jesse: Yeah, a little…arcane

Chris: That was basically what my coworker felt about it

John: Sansa and Dany burying the hatchet?!?

Kellie: No way they’re burying the hatchet.

John: They’re gonna be BFFs.

Kellie: Never. #teamSansa.

John: They’re touching hands!

Chris: Yeah, I think Sansa will play nice so that she can shank her later.

Kellie: Exactly. Dany thinks she can outsmart Sansa and she can’t.

Chris: Sansa is growing into the “Good Cersei” that she was born to be.

Zoë: Ohhh cold hand removal.

“Never mind, we’re NOT friends!”

Chris: So close.


Kellie: Aw.

Jesse: ⛵

Chris: All these RECKONINGS!!

Oh nice, Davos volunteers at the soup kitchen!

Zoë: He’s a Good Man among all these good men running around Winterfell right now.

Chris: No shortage of Good Men here.

John: Davos running the Food Not Bombs table.

His bowls of brown are locally foraged and cruelty-free.

Zoë: All these kids in the crypt is really not sounding like a great idea to me.

Chris: Honestly what in the goddamn is with that crypt.

Kellie: Yeah like herded into the crypt.

Chris: I always forget this guy’s name.

John: Let’s put all of the most vulnerable where the ZOMBIES WILL BE!


Jesse: Does Bran have a history with the Night King?

Chris: Well, we don’t really know what it is.

Kellie: Yes he does. Somehow. In some way.

Jesse: 😕

Chris: Some people think he IS the night king but I don’t really buy it.

He touched him there, on those burn marks, in a vision.

I know that doesn’t sound like it makes sense.

Jesse: 😆

Zoë: Yep, Tyrion’s dead.

Tyrion and the horde of future zombie children.

Chris: Unless it’s a ruse!

John: Tormund with one last creepy glance at Brienne.

Chris: No stopping that guy, not even apocalypse.

Zoë: She pretty definitively just sank that ship, eh?

Kellie: They’ll probably kill them soon. 😞

John: I’m ok with the show tackling race issues obviously but maybe they shouldn’t have waited until the fucking end!

Chris: Where the hell is Varys?

John: In the crypt.

Chris: Ghost

Kellie: The Last Watch

John: I love Edd. He’s very dolorous.

Chris: Edd — that’s the guy who’s name I never remember.

I just think of him as like “the Night’s Watch wingman guy.”

Zoë: I guess Tyrion got bored pretty quickly with Bran’s annotated history of Westeros.

Chris: I know, what happened there, are they taking a break?

Kellie: 😆

John: Bran like “ok maybe the story isn’t THAT long.”

Chris: “The perils of self-betterment” hahahha

Jesse: 😐

Chris: Why does BDE Podrick get screen time but Varys doesn’t?

Jesse: Is this…weird, in context?

John: This twisted love triangle

Chris: Eunuchs are people too.

Kellie: It’s intentional.

Chris: Yes, it is weird

Kellie: He’s the master of the long game. He’s hiding somewhere.

John: Giant’s Milk!

Chris: I hope so

Kellie: Maybe he went back to King’s Landing.

She’s like … am I turned on or repulsed. Fine line.

Chris: Another reckoning!

Zoë: I totally forgot why the Hound is even there.

Hahah guess Arya did too.

Chris: Why IS he there?

Zoë: I’ll be honest, though, this is the group I’d rather drink with.

Chris: hahaha I would settle for just Beric.

John: Arya disagrees!

Chris: hahaha who’s SHE wanna drink with?

John: Gendry!

Zoë: Her weapons

Chris: Well that answers that question.

Zoë: Hahahah BOTH!

Jesse: 😐

John: I KNEW IT!

Kellie: Oh shit

Chris: wow

Zoë: 😮

Chris: Even sociopathic assassins have needs.

That was very tender.

Kellie: Yeah, for a sociopath.

Chris: There’s not that much time left in this episode wtf.

Zoë: OK, Tyrion is like REALLY really dead.

Kellie: Episode 3 =battle I guess.

John: I DIG pod’s new ‘do.

Chris: Tormund is a progressive!

Jesse: The slow clap

Kellie: I do, too re: Pod’s hair.

John: House Mormont RECKONING!

Zoë: I swear to god if someone else says “you’ll be safer in the crypt”

Chris: Everybody gets one except Varys!!

Jorah gets TWO

Zoë: Means he’s probably dead, too.

John: Let’s be real Varys couldn’t get to the crypt fast enough.

He’s BEEN there.

Chris: Good point — regarding the death.

I wanna know what’s up in the crypt.

Kellie: So many set ups for deaths next episode.

Zoë: Nothing good is going to happen in that crypt.

Chris: Does Varys have a network of agents in there yet?

Pod is a nice singer.

Lotta deaths coming.

CRYPT — ok but GUYS why is it empty? I thought everyone was down there.

Kellie: He’s gonna tell her.

Zoë: The empty crypt is the real shocker of this episode.

Chris: “Sorry honey, I’m the king.”

Jesse: 😐


Jesse: Getting a lot of traction out of that emoji today.

Zoë: “Rhaegar was a regular Podrick Payne.”


Zoë: Finally some healthy doubt for Bran’s visions.

John: Well that happened.

Zoë: I mean, I believe him and everything, but I wouldn’t if I were her!

Chris: hahaha I was just thinking that — first time anyone said that.


Zoë: Well that was a place to end 😱

Chris: Everyone is TOAST.

How many fuckin white walkers ARE there, anyway?

Zoë: Why didn’t Jon just wait until after this battle?

Kellie: He is a drama king!

Zoë: Dany’s gonna fly off on her dragon, like fuck y’all Starks, nothing but trouble.

John: Dany gonna accidentally melt Bran and Sam.

Matt: Next week gna b NUTS


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