It is Our Official Launch Day

Monadnock Underground is a go.

It feels funny to introduce ourselves given that, as far as we’re concerned, we’ve been up and running for weeks — but there’s something to be said for officialdom, and today is our official launch day.

Since our first introduction on March 12, we are proud to have published 18 original pieces from 7 different writers, all before our public call for submissions. We’ve had dreamscapes featuring wolves and octopi, the first two parts of a comprehensive analysis of the state of medical cannabis in New Hampshire, personal narratives about parenting and magic (and parenting magic), a tale of the Great American Eclipse, an essay focused on lessons from Game of Thrones, a passionate ode to baseball, and weekly dispatches from the local wizard. That’s one piece every weekday (except one). We intend to maintain this pace — perhaps even exceed it.

But that’s not all.

Here at Monadnock Underground, we’ve got big dreams. We’re going to continue expanding our personal essay offerings, and widening the variety of perspectives presented. The next week will see at least one new author, with several more to follow. When it comes to fiction, we haven’t even begun (there are multiple serial projects in the works), nor have we yet delved into local matters (and characters — expect interviews to start soon). Keep your eye out next Monday for a surprise pop culture riot.

Some of what we’ll publish in the coming weeks we can’t even imagine yet, because it’s in your mind — we need to hear from you. See our submissions guidelines.

But that’s still not all.

Starting in the next couple months, we will begin issuing regular print collections, sold both locally and online. Some may feature a single author, others may operate on a theme, but they will be unlike anything you’ve seen anywhere else.

Four times per year, we aim to print our Quarterlies, which will feature sleek design, larger size, and the absolute best writing we can offer. But here’s the thing — we can’t do any of this without your help. Now that we are officially launched, we can ask for money. Using Patreon, a platform that allows for subscription donations, we are offering a range of rewards tiers to show our gratitude for patrons, to continue building the Monadnock Underground community , and to raise the funds needed to start a full-fledged media operation (including compensation for our print writers!) in an era in which print media is dying.

That sounds crazy, but that’s who we are.

Be sure to click Follow on Mediumsend us your email address, or get in touch on Facebook — we’ll hook you up with our weekly digest and make sure you know where to find our tangible offerings in the coming months.

Thanks for being here — much more to come.

With love,

Zoë Wroten-Heinzmann

Chris DiLoreto
Creative Director


The Universe as Task Manager


But the Sun is Eclipsed by the Moon