M/U Film Soiree Chat: SHIN GODZILLA

Many, many months ago, the (mysterious and exclusive) Monadnock Underground Film Soiree met virtually to watch Shin Godzilla together. We loved it. What follows is a transcript of our Facebook Messenger live chat throughout the film. Spoilers abound, of course, and we can't promise it will make sense. But it will be fun.

David: Hashin!

(means launch)

John: They’re on a boat

Zoë: I think the last salt water I put my feet in was Tokyo Bay

Chris: Whoa

To both

David: Then you know all about this

John: Why was it red?!?

Chris: All wearing the same suits

John: Cool, a slide

Chris: A slide!

David: I recall that area being insanely humid

Chris, can you see Anno in the direction? Doesn’t it feel like Eva?

Zoë: I grew up in the South and I have still rarely felt humidity like Tokyo

Chris: Yes it definitely does

Leah: The upholstery is creeping me out

David: Nice catch

Chris: I like how hotel-ish it is

Don’t stir things up!

David: Get ready for a Godzilla film about dudes in suits

Zoë: Hahahah "following abbreviated"

Jesse: I actually don't think I've actually seen a Godzilla movie all the way through

Y'know, except that one in the nineties

Leah: Neither have I!

Chris: I don’t think I have either

Including the 90s one

Zoë: I haven't either!

John: They just keep moving to a different office

Chris: I’ve seen most of one of the early ones

Haha I know

And they all look like hotel rooms

David: I like to think of this film as a procedural

John: I’ve seen a lot of them

David: Moving through the options

Jesse: The dub job ain't that bad

David: Showing the mechanisms of civilization

John: Just saw the new King of the Monsters a couple of days ago

Chris: Is each Godzilla film each a product of its specific time, with a different slant accordingly?

David: Not exactly. First was, later ones were a bit more franchises

Seems a bit dense with expo at the moment but don’t worry, will be moving fast

John: I saw the one with the little guy that blew smoke rings and could talk to kids wayyy too many times

Chris: I actually like the tension here

Which one was that one

David: Yeah which one

Jesse: Exposition is my favorite part of scifi/fantasy stuff. The only time I liked The Walking Dead was the CDC arc

John: All Monsters Attack

Chris: Haha we haven’t determined which agency this falls under

John: I hope the message of this ends up being not to trust the experts

Chris: Hahahahaha

Wow goofy lookin godzilla

Jesse: Right?

John: That’s a nice misdirect

Chris: It’s like fuzzy

Like a muppet

Jesse: And googly-eyed

Zoë: A muppet with bloody gills

John: It’s not Godzilla

Leah: Exactly, Zoe... so strange

Chris: I like the classical score right now

Jesse: I'm confused about the timescale here.

John: This thing is not Godzilla I refuse to believe it

Jesse: Oh wow

Monster Law

Chris: The laws and the manuals and the trainings are all useless!

John: “It’s not time for semantics”

Chris: “Can we get the US to kill it”

John: These movies would be a lot shorter if they could

Jesse: This is Japanese bureaucratic efficiency porn

John: Turns out we just needed giant monsters to end US imperialism

David: Sadly John that would only make them create more weapons

Chris: But the “efficiency” is powerless!

John: Did it just die

David: It’s a short movie

John: Oh no

Jesse: Fuck, give it a nictitating membrane, something other than googley eyes

John: This isn’t even its final form

Ok so this thing IS Godzilla?!?

David: I frankly love how the thing just looks mindless

Chris: Hahhaha wtf man

Yeah I do too

Doesn’t conform to our sensibilities of what a monster should look like

David: I think Anno just tried to tackle this material as realistically as he could

How DOES anybody deal with something like that?

Chris: Right I think that’s what is so interesting

I think this is pretty realistic

Jesse: They just... lost it?

David: Hey its more realistic than Godzilla 1998, where the “lost it” in downtown Manhattan

Jesse: Fair

Leah: Fatality count of 100 seems low considering what we’ve seen...

Chris: I can’t remember if I saw that one I just remember P Diddy

John: Back in the hotel

David: Omg

Jesse: One of the dub VAs sounds like Fry from Futurama and it's super distracting

Chris: Maybe it is


David: isn’t this Eva music

It so is

It is

The same

Chris: Love it

And it is like control room emergency music

David: Except it isn’t a sci-fi future NERV, it’s what we have now

Chris: Misato issuing emphatic commands

Haha right

David: Misato’s right around the corner

Chris: I like Anno’s vision

Jesse: Yeah so far I'm weirdly into this

Chris: AHHH!!

Yeah I really like this

I’m engrossed - and yeah, in that “procedural” way

David: Hey, one of those screen names was an avatar of Asuka

Chris: Hahaha I didn’t notice that


Wait is Dr Maki the guy who disappeared from the boat

David: Correct

Chris: Hahaha the protesters

Jesse: #StayTheFuckHome

John: They are not DISTANCING

David: I just realized we’re going to have a brief generation of films in which everybody is wearing masks

The 2020 films

Chris: nooooo

John: It fixed its eyes!


Oh it’s fourth form

Chris: Evolution!!

Stay at home order!

Jesse: Did I miss a form somewhere?

David: Yeah... perhaps its first form was the initial underwater thing

When it came upon the waste containers

Chris: That would make sense

Jesse: Brrrrrt

Chris: Lol little bullets

It just smiles

David: Somehow never imagined tanks could be this agile and useful

Chris: That’s kinda what they’re supposed to be for

John: What are these? Like MOABs?

Jesse: I'm glad everyone's okay

David: “Bridge fell on me during the Godzilla incident”

Chris: A perfect organism surpassing man

Zoë: I feel like "a perfect organism surpassing man" is going a BIT far

David: haha

it’s a melodramatic procedural

Zoë: hahaha

its natural armor is far superior, I'll give it that

John: Here we come to save the day

Chris: It’s a pre-metaphor for Covid


David: When you need muscle, you know who to call


Way to go, USA

Jesse: U S A ! U S A !

They couldn't get the rights to “Ave Maria”?


David: I love Anno’s interpretation of US guys

Zoë: The Godzilla protest cult is going to be all about those mouth lasers

John: The Americans are just making it worse!

Chris: HAHA me too

“Payback time”

“Yes. Payback.”

Total devastation

Leah: Americans making things worse with their weapons? Shocking!

David: Evolution vs escalation

John: Godzilla takes some time to reflect

Chris: Self-crit

Do Japanese people not smoke tons of butts anymore

John: Nothing calms me like a sip of water

David: WATER

Yeah Chris good call

Chris:  Hahahaha yeah no alcohol either

David: I guess that’s changed?

Jesse: Pepsi shortage, see

Chris: Hahahaha soggy noodles

David: Japan’s in good hands

John: I’m loving all the politics

Jesse: Are the aides alphabetized in your version?

Chris: Me too, I really enjoy this side of it


Jesse: Like, "Aide F"

David: Yaguchi the HEART of Japan

Chris: The timpani drum of problem solving

I don’t think I see aide letters

David: Yeah I was just thinking of that. Timpanis are never used for anything but SERIOUS STUFF

Chris: So true

Next time I’m confronted with a problem I’m gonna summon that song

David:we all have “getting it done” music

though it would be nice to be standing around people in your own war room

Chris: Haha agreed #goals

David: Haha these American guys are SO actors currently living in Japan


It’s a type

Jesse: "US Team Lady B"

John: Godzilla is a settler colonialist

We can’t bomb it but we can cancel it on Twitter

Chris: Cancellation is our last hope...

John: Noam Chomsky will sign a letter defending Godzilla

David: Guilt tripping Godzilla out of relevance

Godzilla film about dudes in suits and nation states

Chris: The economic consequences of lockdown!!

David: You’re clearly suggesting the UN step in and manage things for the American government

It’s bold

John: We just need to deplatform Godzilla. Demonetize its YouTube videos

Leah: This whole score is incredible.

David: Yeeeeeah


John: Ok so obviously nuking Godzilla is just going to make it even more powerful, right?

Leah: Right

Jesse: Right?

Chris: “THIS time it’ll work!”

John: “This time is DIFFERENT!”

David: Whole movie cost $15 million USD, remember...

John: That’s crazy

David: Just reminds me of how wasteful and uncreative so many films can be

And frankly how computers can just solve every problem, if you want them to...

John: A movie like this here is probably 200 million easy

David: Yeah easy

Chris: Yeah what a budget! That’s extremely impressive

David: I mean 15 is the advertising budget in the US for a movie this size

Chris: Right hahhaa

David: (Relatively speaking, actually I don’t know that side)

John: Godzilla is a Statue now?

David: Jesus Christ, the marketing budget for Avengers: Endgame was 200 million

John: The jokes I want to make are too easy

David: whoa a third culture

Always listen to the guy running with the laptop

Zoë: Does anyone remember the laptop guy's name? (Or know why he looks so familiar to me?)

David: Sorry no

we’ll check credits for laptop guy, only 450 to sift through

Never heard the word coagulate so many times in your life, I imagine

Rather coagulant

Chris: Hahaha I love this portrayal of the US

David: It’s got a funny West Wing vibe to it

Chris: Haha but kinda villainous

David: It’s more like they can’t imagine how casual and crude we get

Chris: “You’re grown up enough to have trade deals on the sly”

Always subverting all the other countries, acting alone

David: big gangster dudes

Kubrick said nations tend to operate like gangsters and prostitues

Chris: Dude really wants a high post

Jesse: Quarantine

Chris: Soundtrack IS fantastic

Zoë: Haa, shinkansen as weapons. I enjoyed that little moment.

David: And origami - inherently Japanese solutions

Chris: This very much reminds me of like an Eva-vs-angel operation

John: Here comes the crane platoon

David: Yeah, very much

Action cranes

John: Well there goes that

David: We have more crane platoons

Zoë: and more TRAIN BOMBS

Chris: I love the train bombs

David: Hahaha

John: I’m getting a kick out of the train bombs

David: He fucking hates those things

We need the best craners you’ve got

Crane prodigies

Chris: I love the use of cranes too

David: Also the most dramatic scoring you’ll ever hear about cranes

Chris: Hahahahaha yes

Zoë: The crane brigade DESERVES this score

David: See now here’s the question

Do we leave this statue to remind us of the event

John: Yes

I love a good statue

Chris: I feel like Anno has a fundamentally optimistic outlook despite his depressions

David: ha jury’s still out

Let’s just say he knows the importance of focusing on love and beauty

Chris: Well even that line about “we’ll build it up again”

I thought that was excellent

Thanks for the suggestion Dave

David: Good man

Chris: I really enjoyed that

John: Yeah I’m glad to have seen this

David: I also just think it’s a fascinating film for Americans to watch

Uniquely Japanese film, and Japanese-American film

Leah: Same here. It was well worth the $2.99

David: so Jesse, you were watching a dub?

Zoë: Yeah, me, too. I figured worst case it's never bad to spend a couple hours listening to some Japanese language, but I wasn't expecting to like it as much.

John: I wanna know what those things on its tail were!

David: they were sequels

Jesse: Yeah, and it was pretty good as far as dubs go. Only one or two wonky deliveries

Zoë: Hahahaha a future statue for each prefecture

David: I can’t imagine watching all these Japanese guys speak English while Japanese text is plastered on the screen

I mean its a VERY Japanese film, it’s entirely about being Japanese

Chris: I really think its portrayal of government and military and industry was oddly plausible

David: Japanese identity

Jesse: I'm a filthy dub peasant, I'm used to it

David: Unfortunately I don’t think Anno will be returning for a sequel if there is one

Chris: I’m ambivalent when it comes to anime but I’m glad I watched that in Japanese

David: Which makes me wonder what the point of one would be, but that’s me

Oh Chris, I did my best with you

Chris: You did - you and many others

What’s Anno doing now?

David: Anyway all, thanks for indulging me with this one! I always wanted to sic it on more Americans

Dunno, but he’s long overdue to do Evangelion 4.0

Jesse: That was great man, thanks

David: That got put on hold for like 5 years

Glad you enjoyed it, Jesse

Chris: Ah I didn’t realize that was still on hold

David: Rebuild 3.33 came out in like 2014...

I think? Ages ago.

Chris: That was a like The Wire-level portrayal of institutions and individual ambitions

John: Yes definitely

David:Haha yes

Or even a little West Wing

Chris: Nobody does that with an action/disaster movie

David: Very EARNEST folks doing their best

It’s not a sexy sell, but frankly it’s a massive administrative procedural

But you know it’s about THE CITY and THE NATION and NUCLEAR SHITE

All with Anno’s hyper-attentive ADHD lens

Zoë: I think it does the procedural parts in an interesting way, too!

hahaha YES, I couldn't find the words but that's perfect

Chris: Yeah I mean that’s the shit I want hahaha

With timpani!

John: Who doesn’t love a timpani

Zoë: The nuclear stuff is super important, too -- this reminds me of this sculpture installation a Japanese friend of ours made all about his struggles with nuclear power after Fukushima. To paraphrase, he wrote on the plaque (that went with a huge ceramic sculpture of a god) about how nuclear power is a natural thing but it also holds the potential for so much destruction, and how could that be reconciled?

David: "Mercury is natural, that doesn't mean you pour it on your Cheerios"

The natural stuff is scary man - like infinite space? that's NATURAL. Comprehend that one.




Broken Nails