Issue #2, Late Winter, to debut on March 6 at Peterborough Library Release Party
PETERBOROUGH, NH, February 26, 2020—Local literary journal and media company Monadnock Underground has announced that it’s second print magazine anthology will be available on March 6. Following up on the success of the first quarterly, released in December, the 68-page glossy issue contains fifteen original works from thirteen different authors.
Beginning with a stunning cover featuring original artwork from local artist Hannah Ellingwood, the entire issue serves as a paean to exquisite graphic design thanks to the work of new Art Director Chloe Johnson. Constructed loosely around the theme of ends, beginnings, and loss, the issue content ranges from poetry to fiction to meditation to (deeply) personal essay, mostly from contributors with local ties.
The print edition will be available on the evening of March 6 at the Peterborough Town Library, where a release party will be held between 6 and 8 PM as part of the town’s First Friday festivities. Attendees will enjoy refreshments, meet authors, hear live readings from the magazine, and more. The event is kid-friendly, and a movie will be playing in the children’s area of the library. Additional print copies, as well as digital PDF editions, can be obtained by becoming a subscriber to Monadnock Underground (, or through direct purchase at M/U’s new online store, which will itself go live on March 1 (
Monadnock Underground, recently incorporated as an LLC in the State of New Hampshire, publishes original writing online (currently at, soon migrating to several times each week, and publishes a print quarterly anthology four times per year. Several additional media projects are being planned, including a weekly variety show podcast slated to launch at the end of March.
If you would like more information about this topic, please contact the M/U team at and, or call Chris DiLoreto directly at (978)257-5328.