September Outlook: Here Comes the Wise Guy

In September’s (very late) outlook, we learn that it’s time to focus on inner renewal — even as the real story is about an unexpected arrival

September — if we haven’t figured it out already, ten days in — is a pretty good time.

This month is the story of carefully managed power. Not just any power, but creative power, one of the highest. It is the tale of how to manage and store up that power as we experience the emergence of the new Time we’ve all been waiting for.

And make no mistake, it’s upon us! We are, at this very moment, smack in the middle of the transformation. The old is gone, transformed entirely into the new — even as the new exists only as a seed that we can’t fully see or understand yet. It may be enough, at this early hour, to know that this time is blessed by the heavens — at least much more so than anything we’ve seen in the last several months.

It’s a step up, but also may feel like a step onto more dangerous ground, not in the acute sense but, if nothing else, out of concern for not screwing up this new time before it even begins. Fortunately, our outlook provides some helpful recommendations for avoiding missteps.

First, we need to approach everything with the understanding that now is the time to hold fast to our creative powers and store them up. This is a time to stand where we are, hold our ground, and accumulate. We need to hold ourselves together, hold back from rash and unnecessary movement, and hold to what we need to nurture and remain nurtured ourselves.

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This sits squarely between being “easy” and “rocket science” territory. It requires that we emerge from the summer strong and clear-headed, no small task in itself. It requires a lot from us personally, from our daily behavior. September demands that we renew our commitment to truth and that we commit ourselves in turn to daily renewal of character and spirit. That’s how you stay on top if you find yourself there.

Indeed, now is the time for us to take on public roles and responsibilities. This will be a time in which such endeavors are rewarded and successful. We can make this all the more certain if we are able to enrich ourselves with the study of history, that we may apply the lessons learned to where we are right now.

Beyond that, just hold onto your butts, because it’s coming. Well, they’re coming — it’s a person, in fact. September will see the arrival of a very wise sage, a special teacher particularly suited to the age now emerging. With change on the one side and disturbance on the other, this wise person changes the game in ways difficult to predict.

That’s partially why it’s crucial that we focus on our own mindset and behavior. We can’t predict or control what exactly is coming, but we can control ourselves. What we can expect is that positive breakthroughs will leave us feeling like we’re back at a very dramatic new beginning — on the edge of the cliff. As we step off, we can find the most assistance in internal, maternal spirituality and wisdom. Even in those moments in which we feel like pleasure is a bit limited by the fact that we can’t quite figure out how to implement and execute on certain ideas and plans, we should remain aware that something akin to divine intervention is afoot here. Once again, it will change the game.

The key, clearly, is to focus within and keep an even keel as we move forward. Things are in motion — and watch for an especially good time the last couple weeks of the month. Really interested to see how, specifically, this shakes out. Join me in finding out!


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