Candidate Profile: Carl Staley

Ahead of this Thursday’s (5/5) Peterborough Parley Debate and Salon and in preparation for next week’s Peterborough Town Meeting, GoMonadnock sent some basic questions to all candidates in contested races. We will be publishing candidate responses, unedited, as we receive them. —CJD

GoMo: What do you see as the proper role for a Planning Board in the State of New Hampshire? Is the Planning Board as it currently exists acting in what you see as the proper role or do you believe changes need to be made?

I believe the proper role of the Planning Board is the job as stated on the Town website. It is responsible for continuing to develop and update the Master Plan. It is to review and approve subdivisions, site plans and excavations. It is to amend zoning ordinances to respond to the vision of the Master Plan and current housing needs.

If you had to choose one new Zoning Ordinance to put before the voters of Peterborough, what would it be and why?

I do not have a new zoning ordinance in mind because I bring no preconceived agenda should I be elected.

What are the ways in which you as a candidate are unique and distinct from your opponents in this race?

I have more than thirty years experience as a builder and general contractor in this area. While I have no previous experience serving on a board, I know the process of coming before both planning and zoning boards. I think this experience will serve the Town well.

Tell us your vision for the future of Peterborough.

My wife and I moved to Peterborough in our late 20s and have been here for 40 years. We raised 2 children and our daughter lives here with her family. The Monadnock region and Peterborough, especially, is a remarkable place. I am committed to serve in whatever way possible to help make it somewhere my grandchildren could live when their time comes.

What else do you want our readers to know?

It is unfortunate that in the last few years contention has arisen in town over zoning reform. Working to make zoning more responsive for current housing needs is something we can all get behind if we can respect, listen and communicate with one another.

Carl Staley

Carl Staley is running for Peterborough Planning Board.


Candidate Profile: Mandy Sliver


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