Candidate Profile: Andrew Dunbar (Planning Board)
In the final eight days leading up to Peterborough’s 2023 Town Meeting, we will be posting profiles on all candidates — or as many candidates as provide responses to GoMonadnock. We’ve asked all candidates from a given race the same questions and are printing their answers unedited.
What do you see as the proper role for a Planning Board in the State of New Hampshire?
Review and approve subdivisions, site plans, and earth excavations, and adopt and amend the regulations for these applications.
Prepare amendments to the zoning ordinance, and hold the necessary public hearings on proposed or petitioned amendments to the zoning ordinance.
Is the planning board as it currently exists acting in what you see as the proper role or do you believe changes need to be made?
Yes, I believe the Planning Board is currently acting in it's properly defined role.
If you had to choose one new Zoning Ordinance to put before the voters of Peterborough, what would it be and why?
There could be some additional ordinances I would suggest, but I would not do so without first having discussions with the Planning Board, the staff of Town Office of Planning and then getting input from the Town residents, via a public hearing.
What are the ways in which you as a candidate are unique and distinct from your opponents in this race?
Since I have lived in Peterborough for many years, I may have observations into how and why Peterborough has grown, and what was mutually agreed upon to be of a benefit to Peterborough.
Tell us your vision for the future of Peterborough.
To continue to promote sensible growth to maintain Peterborough as a good Town to Live and work in.
What else do you want our readers to know?
As a member of the Planning Board, I want people to feel free to communicate their concerns to me, as their elected representative.
I was elected to listen and respond to all residents concerns and I have and would continue to do so.