He Would Have Been 96 Today
Well... its Autumn. Or it will be at about 3am tomorrow morning. Every year I'm reminded that today, this day, means something.
Powder Blue and the Disco Gymferno
Dan Szczesny’s Transcendental Dad column is the winner of NH Magazine’s Column of the Year!
Books with Pictures?
Amulet vs. Little Women
The Place That Has No Name
Attending to the Suchness of Things
Do We Stack Up?
Is it possible to understand the inclinations of a child? What does it all say about US?
Walking Away, Moving Forward
This month’s Transcendental Dad sees acceptance, honesty, and new growth
Breath of Melancholy
Let the melancholy remain.
Hanging on Just a Little Bit Longer
Ladies and gentlemen, the Beatles!
It Goes Like This
We start with a backyard and some mulberries
Find Your Fossils
This month’s Transcendental Dad column brings us to the STATE HOUSE in Concord…and millions of years into the past