Dispatches from the Underground: I was Right About May (According to Me)
A look back on May’s outlook, my neighbors are moving, I’m listening to music, and I’m not going to any concerts
Looking back on May, the first thought that pops into my head, with gusto: “That was a wild ride, whatever the hell it was.”
It went by fast but also seemed long; the trip down south that jumpstarted my month seems like a lifetime ago, yet I also can’t believe it’s over so soon. How can it be June? Jesus.
(Yes, though, my allergies are more or less gone as planned — thank gahhhd.)
Seriously, though, my month saw some out-and-out adventures, maturation of big conflicts, unbridled communal celebration, unexpected changes and setbacks, and probably a whole lot of other things I’m forgetting — things that might stand out as noteworthy in an ordinary month but have been utterly crowded out of my memory.
When looking back on my forecast from just about a month ago, there’s two criteria on which I must be judged. There’s the obvious one: did I get it right? But then there’s also the funny one: did I take my own advice? I think overall in life I’m probably 50/50 at best on that one, and I’m really trying to up my batting average here. In all honesty, though, I think I did all right this time.
“Don’t despair, prepare!” This was my rhyming summation at the beginning of the month. Don’t let yourself get overcome with dread at the rapidly approaching darkness promised in June and July, but use this time to take care of remaining business and get ready for whatever this great cold benevolent universe has in store for us. Well, I definitely didn’t despair. Not for a moment. Did I prepare? I guess so, yeah. Maybe not as much as I could have, but when is that not true? I paced myself, plotted my days as best I could, kept active and healthy and alert, kept my spirit swingin’, and got some shit done. Not a ton, and I did none of these things in any sort of record-breaking manner. I don’t think I succeeded at hammering in any new good habits — and I definitely didn’t like quit smoking or anything special like that. But I did all right. I hit the minimum requirements and probably a little bit more.
What about you?
The funny thing about this month’s forecast — and some might call this cheating, but it really wasn’t intentional — is that it almost entirely pointed toward and revolved around next month. The entire month of May existed, according to my calculations, in relation to the June that is to follow. Certainly this isn’t something we can prove or disprove until we actually see what’s to come in the next five weeks.
What we can look at is some of the things that got called out — the idea that we may find ourselves in a relatively strong position with a bit of corruption just starting to creep in and undermine that position. The cups, I said, are full and due to spill. Changes are inevitable — big ones, perhaps unwelcome ones. These are things that, for me, became very obvious over the course of this month.
There was opportunity promised, opportunity for adventure and excitement, and I got my fill of those things. The readings spoke of the concept of grace in the sense of adornment, of tradition and ceremony and form — and they pointed to the whole scene before us, this whole little world we have, as a work of art. I saw a lot of that, too.
As far as I’m concerned, this was a damn good forecast — but all I’ve really proven here is that it was pretty spot-on for me. The only way I’ll know if it was accurate for you is if you tell me. I mean it — I’d like to hear from people on this, and I want to be judged harshly!
Iknew to expect some changes, but what’s always hard about things like divination and reading the signs is you often know something is coming, with only half a notion of what it is, and pretty much zero clue what direction it’s going to come from. Some of those changes have revealed themselves, although I suspect more are coming.
I’ll tell you a big bittersweet one that’s cropped up: our next door neighbors are moving. I’m utterly stoked for them — they’re buying their first house — but I am so sad to lose them as neighbors. I obviously don’t do well with even minor changes, so I was always gonna take this hard, but these are the best neighbors I’ve ever had!
We live in a row of six townhouses, pretty nice rentals, owned by a carpenter in Dublin. We’ve lived here almost five years now, and Ali and James (and their daughter Sylvie) have been here at least three of those years. Ali had been close friends with Kellie in college, and when the unit next door opened up, Kellie got them in there. They’re now two of our closest friends; the same goes for Manny and Sylvie. We’ve had the greatest balance of nearby company without ever being in each other’s faces. Sometimes, like in the dead of winter, we might go a couple weeks without seeing one another. But so often we could stop and chat on the front steps or in the backyard, have impromptu barbecues, let the kids run around together with sparklers, share a pitcher or three of margaritas — occasionally even solve the problems of the town over one of those pitchers.
It’s just been a hell of a run. The loss of this wonderful dynamic makes me wonder if our time here is also up, if this isn’t perhaps a sign of a broader trend that includes us, too. Maybe it’s time to move on. We’ll see. The feeling that it might be time to move on is one I’ve been getting for various reasons in multiple areas of my life — although I’m experienced enough at getting such signs to know not to jump at any of them. Some of them are almost certainly true, and I need to figure out which ones and act accordingly, but some of them only look that way. They’re going to turn out to be something else.
Funny thing is, they’re really only moving upriver a little ways, on the 202 side. It’s walkable. But I’ll miss them being through the wall. Now there will be a stranger there. Can’t stop the changes, though!
Ali and James — thanks for the good times and the wonderful run. You really are the best neighbors I have ever had. Let’s all wish them tremendous blessings on the new house.
I’ve been listening to a lot of great music. There was Budos Band and The Hobbit soundtrack in the Blue Ridge mountains, Dave Matthews Band (yes and I don’t care) in South Carolina beer country, a new album from the Felice Brothers, a rotating stable of Daptones Records artists like the Frightnrs and Naomi Shelton and the Gospel Queens, not to mention a whole bunch of Bob Dylan for his birthday. Then for Memorial Day it seemed obvious that I would have to play The Band; I even wore my “Wait a Minute Chester” t-shirt that day.
But then I happened to put on a little Jerry Garcia Band, as tends to be my custom in summertime, and I just got floored by what that guy could do. After all these years, all these hours listening, it’s still — wow, what the fuck is he doing, man, Jesus Christ, Jerry!
Since we’re talking about the Dead (again), you should really read this GQ feature on Bobby. So much respect for this dude and the life he’s lived. It’s weird that he doesn’t like to trip.
And I mean why stop there? Last thing — Dead and Company begins its summer tour tomorrow. Though I hope to listen to and/or watch many live streams (hashtag couch tour), we have decided to actually sit this one out.
I expected my feelings on this to be more mixed than they are. I’m actually comfortable with the decision. Part of me will certainly wish to be there, but this year seemed like the one to take off. By the time the next tour comes around, I will be fresh and excited again, instead of feeling put out by the expenses and arrangements necessary to make a show happen.
Rumor has it they’ll be back in the Garden in November — site of my favorite show to date (unless my favorite was Fenway, but we can debate that another day). If true, I’ll make my triumphant return then, no doubt wearing a new outfit and accompanied by a proper gang.
For all those heading out on tour or even just preparing for the couch tour: many blessings be upon you. May this be the greatest tour yet. May the energy sparkle and touch us all.