June Outlook: Ain’t No Rainmakers Here

But we’re gonna make it after all. This month, take it easy, don’t rush, don’t attack — and celebrate when you can

We are not going to be defeated this year. Say it with me. We are not going down in defeat in June, or in July, or at any point in 2019. That’s not the way this is gonna play.

Those of us who seek to get through the next two months unharmed — if not unscathed — need to rest, solidly and comfortably, in this certainty.

Think of your goals, your visions, your dreams, the things you’ve been working on and working toward. All of that is still on. All of that is happening. You’ll get it. Even if there’s a time in which we can’t make the progress we want or get the light we need, even if there are moments in which we need to hunker down or even retreat, that doesn’t change the ends we’re striving for. It’s all still on. Eyes on the prize, people. Let’s do this.

Not gonna lie, a part of me is definitely wondering if all this expected doom and gloom surrounding June and July hasn’t been overhyped, if it’s not a touch of wolf-crying, or if at least all the fretting about it for the last six months hasn’t hardened me to whatever’s in store. May was a pretty wild ride, but it provided some hints of what we can expect, and so far I’m just not seeing any hard evidence of impending catastrophe.

Of course, this is probably just me being a fool wishing to stave off the inevitable; Austin and Gordon (and Chris and Kelly) have yet to steer me wrong, and they’ve been adamant about this since the beginning of the year. Austin in particular has been especially dire in his warnings. We are to expect great upheaval, difficulty, perhaps calamity. Maybe we see that play out more in the world at large than in our own lives — but, again, that’s probably just me having wishes.

Nonetheless, my own projections for the month ahead promise difficulty and strife but conspicuously lack any obvious traces of calamity. The overall theme is another very simple one, albeit without the rhyme: we can’t make it rain. We want it to rain. We need it to rain. And it WILL rain. It definitely will. But we don’t get to decide when, and we don’t get to make it happen faster. The rain comes when the rain comes.

Over the course of the next month, there will be areas in your life that feel in desperate need of nourishment. Projects might seem to wilt a little. And yet the cruel sun will shine and the weather app will promise no rain. All we can do is remember that the rain WILL come. This is not even so much a matter of FAITH. It’s easier than that. We live in a temperate forest near the Atlantic Ocean. It’s GOING to rain.

Until it does, we will wait, and we will be strong.

This is not a time to go on the attack; quite the opposite, in fact. This is a time in which we may find ourselves the SUBJECT of an attack. We may GET attacked. We saw last month the concept of decay or corruption creeping into our spots, and now we see it again, this time with a hint that there might also be treachery involved. We cannot attack and we probably cannot even win. We can and will avoid defeat — and know that still greater victory lies further down the road.

The thing I found most interesting — and, honestly, relieving — about my readings is the explicit direction to celebrate and have a good time. This in particular was a concern for me given that June is my favorite month and the summer solstice my favorite holiday. Perhaps more than job loss and disease, I’ve been fearing a June that’s like the reverse image of pre-salvation Narnia, where it’s always winter and never Christmas. What is the heat of summer without celebration and revelry, without drinking from the cup of life?

Not much, that’s what it is. And we don’t have to go down that road. This is quite clear. There will be opportunity to celebrate, and we should take it. Any moment in which we are not engaged in a fight or a frantic defense, we should take for ourselves and our loved ones, and just enjoy the absolute hell out of them. After all, even when life sucks, it’s incredible. We need to live out that idea EVERY month, not just when things seem dire.

Don’t hurry. Chill out. Immediate results are not coming and that’s okay. Keep going.

The final image we are given tells us how. In the I Ching, the concept of “modesty” in its cosmic sense is not merely polite humility but represents one of the great laws of the entire cosmos: what is empty is filled and what is full is easy to spill. Cling to modesty this month — and you gotta be sincere about it. You can be over the top, you can go in more than seems minimally necessary, but don’t be fake. Be serious. Be a little bit humble.

(I know the majority of you probably don’t have a problem with a bit of casual modesty, but I’m the one who really needs this emphatic reminder.)

If you’re in a high position and you exercise this modesty, you’re going to shine like the sun. June is a good month to shine like the sun. If you’re weak and beset with difficulty but still exhibit that quiet modesty, guess what? You’re getting raised up. That’s a promise — watch and see. This will be one you can look back on and test at the end of the month.

June isn’t going to kill us, and I feel pretty confident looking at all of this that July isn’t, either. We’re gonna make it. If it gets bumpy in the next few weeks, just hang on — and remember that. We’re gonna make it.


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